Phyllidia varicosa


Phyllidia varicosa

Images taken at Lembeh, Indonesia

Phyllidia varicosa is elongate ovate in shape. Its basic colours are black, blue-grcy and yellow. The rhinophores are yellow and rounded at the apex. Specimens greater than 60 mm in length (alive) possess 27-30 lamellae on the rhinophoral clavus. The notum of Phyllidia varicosa has many conical or angular, sometimes compound tubercles with blue-grey to pale grey bases and yellow apices. There may be from three to six, longitudinal, blue-grey to pale grey ridges joining the median tubercles. The ridges may be broken or continuous. A central ridge is always present. On either side of the central ridge, the next two ridges run posteriorly from the rhinotubercles. Towards the margins of the notum there are usually numerous, short, transverse ridges interspersed by black rays. The underside of the notum is cross hatched. The foot and gills are grey. The foot sole always possesses a median black longitudinal stripe (which may be broken). The grey oral tentacles are tipped in pale yellow.