Phyllidiela lizae


Phyllidiella lizae

Images taken at Lembeh, Indonesia

Phyllidiella lizae is an elongate ovate species which possesses a pale pink background, pale pink tubercles and irregular, narrow black lines on the dorsum. The notal tubercles are simple, rounded, and usually isolated (rarely coalesced), and are the same pale pink colour as the background of the dorsum. Narrow black lines of variable length occur irregularly on the dorsum; usually they cross over each other forming an "X" (up to 4 may occur) on the median area (P1.7B). There is a narrow, smooth, pale pink to white edge to the mantle. The rhinophoral openings have low, pink rims. The rhinophores are black typically, pink centrally, and white basally. These colours blend into each other rather than being discrete bands. Specimens greater than 35 mm in length (alive) possess 23 to 28 lamellae on the rhinophoral clavus. Ventrally, the hyponotum and gills are pale grey. The digitate oral tentacles are pale pink to white and arise from a square basc. The foot sole is pale pink to white.